Football Time - Ususally 2.5 hours a day

I haven't included time at football practice/games, etc. However, I do feel that this is an extention of my ministry.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday, March 27

8:05 In Office; Fixed internet; checked email; updated "Time" blog; met with Paul (May 4 service); emailed Bruce Heffner; Met with Aaron; Helped Diane with pic for Sunday; Replied to email from Gil;

9:45 My Time

11:45 Met with Aaron

12:15 My Time
3:50 EJ Track meet;
6:00 My Time
7:30 Stopped in at volleyball
7:50 My Time

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday, March 26

8:15  In Office; checked emails; updated yesterday's "time" blog; met with Aaron (summer youth group); phone call with paul; phone call with Lynn Leitzel; Wed. prep; Money for Hungary; phone call with Onie; added kid's texts to my phone; texted kids; phone tree message

11:00 My Time

12:15  Back in office; Answered a Hungary email; answered SMS messages; Met with Aaron (future of youth); answered Diane's questions about ATT bill; Wed prep; downloaded/printed info for youth leaders about training seminar April 22;

3:15  My Time

4:45  Wed. prep; Youth Group; Cafe cleanup

9:30  Home

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday, March 27

8:30 In office; checked email; created and printed paper for Oscar/AWANA; called for flowers for mother's day

10:35 Meeting with Paul; Phone meeting with Bruce Heffner, Hungary; Phone with Aaron;

12:15 My Time

1:45 Meeting with Onie Lauver

3:00 My Time, haircut

3:30 Counseling session, outside of church

4:00 My Time

4:30 In Office - Worked on Hungary Money; Power Point (PP) slide for Mission Conference, from Rachel; typed ministry time blog; talked with Paul via phone; Wed. prep.

6:15 My Time

7:00 Phone calls to Hungary participants; Phone call with Justin (Youth, Hungary); Prep for tomorrow; went and talked to people at volleyball

9;00 Home

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday, March 24

8:15 In office
8:30 Staff meeting
11:00 my time
11:45 Lunch meeting with Aaron
1:00 PM emailed Nathan, Oscar, Lauren, Lauren, about Hungary Trip; called Jason, Ben, Mike about camp board meeting; worked on money for Hungary; cleaned up office
4:00 PM My time
4:30 PM put some dishes away from sunday breakfast; looked up some ideas about Wednesday night's topic; talked with Justin about Hungary, etc.
5:30 PM My time
6:45 PM prepared for Deacon Meeting; sent 1:6 lessons to leaders; Deacon Meeting
9;00 PM Went home/my time

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, October 22

8 AM - 10:15 AM - Updated Ministry Time, read email, worked on flyer for GOTO, read over Youth Group talk,

11 AM - 1 PM - Met with Paul

5:45 PM - 7:30 PM Brought Yaacov back from talking to the football team and took him for supper.

7:45 - 9:30 Deacon Meeting

9:30 - 9:45 Stopped at RC Ministry

Sat/Sun October 21/22

Here by 8 AM on Saturday for Scare Mare, Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church. Returned at 6 PM on Sunday.

7 - 9 - 1:6 Group at Lauvers

Friday, October 19

7 AM - 8:15 AM - Sent out Blog Entry for 1:6

8:15 - 9:45 - Updated Ministry Time, Phone calls (IN and OUT) and internet search about upcoming enents (Scare Mare, GOTO, OCC Trip, 35 Alive)

9:45 - 10:15 - Read a few Youth Ministry Blogs

10:15 - 10:30 - Read over youth group talk

10:30 - 12 PM - Computer stuff for Church on Sunday